Record Suspension (Canadian Pardon) by Experienced and Reliable Agency


Record Suspension (Canadian Pardon)

A Record Suspension is officially granted by federal the government of Canada and seals an individual’s criminal record.  All convictions will be removed from active criminal records stored in the RCMP database. Furthermore, no one is allowed to access this confidential file or document without prior written permission from the Minister of Public Safety Canada.

Once the applicant’s Record Suspension is ordered the candidate should never be required to reveal that he/she has ever had a criminal record.

Need of an experienced reliable Record Suspension provider:

Going to a reliable agency which specializes in Record Suspensions will be the right decision for candidate who is looking for efficient, reliable and quick results.  While an application can be performed by the individual, there are many steps and certain documents expire.  The procedure to apply for Record Suspension is lengthy and requires communication with government agencies.  If anything is missed, the Parole Board of Canada will return your application.  This will result in delays which could be months.  Therefore, people must visit reliable and reputable agencies with years of experience in this profession. Professional agencies are in constant communication with Federal, Provincial and Municipal government bodies and as such are updated and aware of changes.  Thus, it is recommended to consult reputable agencies and to ask numerous questions.

Need of Canadian Pardon (Record suspension)

  • If you have a criminal record you need a Canadian record suspension (formerly a Canadian pardon).
  • Looking for Employment
  • Adopting
  • Considering Entering the United States

These are just a few reasons to seriously consider a Record Suspension. A criminal record can prevent personal freedom in several ways as the criminal record can affect your personal and professional life negatively or for a lengthy time.  A criminal record remains with you and associated to you until late retirement.

F.I.P.S. Inc. is a one stop shop as it is accredited by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (R.C.M.P.) to take fingerprints which is the first step in obtaining a Record Suspension and achieving freedom and life without the negative association of a criminal history.

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